We issue consultations to seek views of stakeholders on our proposals to change our regulatory rules or procedures. We also regularly respond to consultations issued by other organisations. We can only currently receive responses via email or survey response. Details of closed consultations can be found on our webpage.
Consultation: To consider whether to make an application to the Legal Services Board (LSB) to be able to create routes/pathways to authorise Chartered Legal Executives with stand-alone litigation rights
This consultation would be of interest to members of our regulated community and other stakeholders including approved regulators and consumers of legal services.
The purpose of this consultation is to determine whether CRL should make an application to the LSB to enable CRL to:
- authorise existing chartered legal executives with stand-alone litigation practice rights under the legacy education standards;
- create three new Specialist Pathways under the new education standards to allow authorisation of new applicants with stand-alone litigation practice rights.
CILEX and CRL have identified support for the initiative from a number of existing members of our regulated community and stakeholders.
This consultation sets out how CRL proposes to assess applications for stand-alone litigation practice rights and CRL is seeking views on these proposals.
We welcome responses from our regulated community and other stakeholders including other approved regulators, consumers of legal services and any other interested parties.
For further information please access the full consultation document.
How to respond
Please complete the consultation online survey. Alternatively, you can send your response to CILEx Regulation by email to consultations@cilexregulation.org.uk. Please mark it for the attention of Mark Wood.
Submission deadline
Please respond by 4pm on 21 May 2025.