We issue consultations to seek views of stakeholders on our proposals to change our regulatory rules or procedures. We also regularly respond to consultations issued by other organisations. We can only currently receive responses via email or survey response.  Details of closed consultations can be found on our webpage.


Consultation: CRL Corporate Strategy 2025-2027

Despite current uncertainties around the future of regulation, CRL continue to focus on delivering forward-looking legal regulation which protects the interests of consumers and advances the core issues affecting the legal sector.  Our 2025-2027 strategy sets out our mission and priorities for the next three years and where we want to be at the end.

The strategy looks to build on our achievements from our previous three year strategy which focused on High Standards, Consumer empowerment and Equality, diversity and inclusion. Moving forwards, our four key strategic objectives will be:

  • Standards and public trust
  • Access to justice and consumer empowerment
  • Independence and sustainability
  • Be an authoritative, inclusive and capable organisation

Please access the full consultation document to find out more.

CRL Corporate Strategy webinars, July 2024

CRL continues to provide targeted, specialist regulation that reflects the unique needs of the members of our regulated community. We are able to achieve this through open engagement, listening to the opinions of our members and finding out first-hand the issues that affect them the most.

Thank you to all who attended our recent strategy webinars.  If you were unable to attend, the Q&A’s from each session and webinar recording are available below:


How to respond

You can respond to our consultation by completing the consultation survey.

Or alternatively, please send your response by email to: consultations@cilexregulation.org.uk.

Please respond by 5pm on 14 September 2024.