AML regulations and your obligations
It is thought that the scale of money laundering affecting the UK annually is in the hundreds of billions of pounds. Unfortunately, legal professionals are at risk of being targeted for their skills and services to hold or transfer money because of the perceived legitimacy this offers.
The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on Payer) Regulations 2017 set the rules for enforcement of the anti-money laundering legislation and they were updated by the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Regulations 2019
The rules require all independent legal professionals that provide legal or notarial services and/or trust and company services to be supervised for compliance by one of the specified professional bodies (also known as anti-money laundering supervisory authorities) or by HMRC. CILEx Regulation expects all firms and individuals it supervises to report actual or potential breaches of the provisions of the Regulations to it.
It is vital that you understand your regulatory and legal obligations including the Criminal Finances Act 2017, and the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. The penalties for aiding a money launderer range from fines to imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offence. CILEx Regulation will consider any actions related to assisting or facilitating money laundering as serious misconduct
How to deal with the risks of being targeted for money laundering:
Do I need to pay a levy?
Depending on the revenue of your business you may be required to pay the Economic Crime Levy.
Our annual AML report
CILEx Regulation Anti-Money Laundering Supervision Report 2023-24.
HM Treasury AML Supervision Report 2023-2024
In March 2025 HM Treasury published its Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Supervision Report 2023-24. The report confirms the commitment to reforming the UK’s AML/CTF supervision regime, though it gives no indication what that reform might look like. It emphasises the importance of the AML Supervisors (including CRL) maintaining and improving the standards of AML supervision in the lead up to and implementation of any reforms.
Other matters included in the report:
• scope for further improvement and updating of the MLR to reflect changes in threats to the UK
• continued preparation for the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) next assessment of the UK currently scheduled for 2027
• publication of the updated UK’s National Risk Assessments in 2025
• the continuing importance of sanctions compliance
• new metrics provided by the AML supervisors.
Additional AML resources
The Joint Money Laundering Steering Group provides comprehensive Guidance on Anti-Money Laundering procedures for the financial services sector, which provides a valuable resource for the rest of the regulated sector
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an inter-governmental body whose purpose is the development and promotion of national and international policies to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. Its 40 Recommendations are backed by mutual evaluations of its member countries.
Financial Sanctions – linked to your AML responsibilities
The observance of Financial Sanctions is often closely linked to your AML responsibilities, and we have provided specific information to assist you to comply with your obligations.
CILEx Regulation is a member of the Legal Sector
Intelligence Sharing Expert Working Group (ISEWG).
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