Strategic Objectives 2022-2024

CILEx Regulation: 2022-24 Strategic Objectives

  1. High standards

  2. Consumer empowerment

  3. Equality, diversity & inclusion


Mission statement

Delivering forward-looking legal regulation for all

We deliver safe, proportionate, risk-based regulation in the public and consumer interest, focusing particularly on enabling social mobility and diversity and tackling consumer detriment in the legal sector wherever it appears.

Jonathan Rees, Chair of CILEx Regulation

J ReesI am delighted to set out the key elements of CILEx Regulation’s Strategy over the next 3 years. The context is economic uncertainty as we grapple with the continued challenges of Covid and Brexit, the growing possibilities to harness technology to improve services, and the changing nature of consumers – who are more diverse and have increased expectations.

Against this complex background, our aim is simple: to deliver forward-looking legal regulation for the benefit of all.

High standards

We will uphold standards whilst pursuing innovative models to improve access and minimise the regulatory burden


In so doing, we will:


    • Undertake a review of the regulatory model, starting with entity regulation, to explore alternative options in the public interest to increase access, and develop value, for a diverse regulated community and consumers.


    • Embed a culture of innovation at CRL to develop and enhance a new approaches to service in legal services regulation. Enable the use of technology to improve legal services delivery and to improve the way we deal with internal processes.


  • Develop an enhanced approach to individual supervision to assure ongoing competence of our regulated community, in partnership with other regulators.

Consumer empowerment

We will enhance the information available to consumers to improve accessibility to legal services


In so doing, we will:


  • Improve the information available to consumers, empowering them to choose good legal representation, facilitating fair and equal access to legal services. We will do this through working collaboratively with stakeholders across the sector, including the regulated community and consumers, whilst making best use of resources: Legal Choices, Single Digital register, Quality Indicators.


    • Increase understanding of consumer protections available in the legal services landscape, identifying gaps and tackling consumer detriment.


  • Contribute to the development of new technologies and other innovations which can transform delivery of legal services to the consumer and enhance our understanding of the impact technology may have on the consumer.

Equality, diversity & inclusion

We will champion fair access for all in the legal services market


In so doing, we will:


    • Improve the ability of aspiring lawyers to enter and progress in the profession based on merit and regardless of their background or diverse characteristics in partnership with CILEX and with other regulators and stakeholders, focusing on areas where we can make a difference.


    • Use data effectively to set goals to measure impact, chart progress and evaluate the effectiveness of equality actions to enable us to understand the outcomes for consumers and the regulated community.


  • Identify and work to resolve barriers faced by consumers from diverse backgrounds to improve access to legal services, leading the collaboration across stakeholders where appropriate.

CRL Strategic objectives - 2025-2027

Our 2025-2027 strategy sets out our mission and priorities for the next three years and where we want to be at the end.


We are looking for views on the new consultation document including our four new strategic priorities:


  • Standards and public trust
  • Access to justice and consumer empowerment
  • Independence and sustainability
  • Be an authoritative, inclusive and capable organisation


Full strategy to be published Q4 2024.