Our two-yearly diversity data collection will take place on Monday 24 April 2023.
How will data be collected?
Data will be collected from the CRM (the database which stores information about regulated members).
Before 24 April 2023 we encourage our regulated community to please: –
• provide your diversity data through your personal data submission in mycilex
• check that the responses you have already provided are up-to-date
• consider providing full data to replace any earlier `prefer not to say’ responses.
Your full response helps us to help you
Although each question offers a `prefer not to say’ response option, providing a full response* is an essential factor in helping us to develop a clear and detailed understanding of our regulated community.
Why is your diversity data important?
Your data is especially important, it helps us to recognise trends and provides important evidence of any barriers to entry and career progression.
We’re strongly committed through our EDI strategy to promoting fair access to (and progression of) a legal career for individuals working within the legal services market. A vital role for us as regulators, is to encourage a strong, diverse and effective legal profession made up of talented people who reflect, understand and connect with consumers who need legal services.
Ultimately, your data helps inform our decision making, so we can provide more effective and targeted regulation.
* Please note: All responses are confidential and in line with the privacy of personal data guidelines outlined in the CILEX and CRL privacy notices.