28 Sep

Life in the Law

LawCare’s ground-breaking research study Life in the Law study aimed to find out how legal practice and workplace culture affect wellbeing.


All staff  working in legal practice, including those in training and support staff, can completed an anonymous and confidential online questionnaire.


The research aimed to help understand the day to day realities of life in the law including questions on current workload, hours worked, working environment, self-care, sleep, work/life balance and the impact of COVID-19 amongst others. It also used three academic research scales for burn-out, psychological safety and autonomy.


The data will help LawCare to improve the support available to legal professionals and help drive long lasting change in legal workplace culture so that people working in the law can thrive.

Full 2020/21 survey results can be found on the Lawcare website.


LawCare is an independent charity offering emotional support, information and training to the legal community in the UK and Ireland. You can contact them for free, confidential, emotional support on 0800 279 6888, email support@lawcare.org.uk or visit www.lawcare.org.uk to access webchat and other information and resources.