03 Jul

CRL statement following SRA decision to proceed

Following the publication of the SRA’s Decision to proceed with their proposals to regulate legal executives, CILEx Regulation have issued the following statement:


“CRL is extremely disappointed with the SRA Board decision to proceed with CILEX proposals to redelegate the regulation of authorised and non-authorised members of CILEX.


Over the last ten years, consumers and the profession have benefitted from CRL’s strong independent regulation of all CILEX practitioners. The CILEX/SRA proposals do not match existing levels of consumer protection and could result in consumer confusion. As highlighted by the Legal Services Consumer Panel, CILEX has failed to evidence any positive consumer impacts. CRL believes the evidence underpinning CILEX’s case for change is insufficiently robust and that the interests of consumers and the regulated community is best served by CRL continuing to be the specialist regulator.


CRL remains concerned that the proposals to redelegate regulatory responsibility in this way are potentially unlawful, and as the Justice Select Committee said raise serious concerns about the model of the 2007 Legal Services Act in undermining efficient and stable regulation. We are therefore considering next steps including recourse to the Courts.”


Please email info@cilexregulation.org.uk with any questions.