We issue consultations to seek views of stakeholders on our proposals to change our regulatory rules or procedures. We also regularly respond to consultations issued by other organisations. We can only currently receive responses via email or survey response.  Details of closed consultations can be found on our webpage.


Consultation: To consider updates to CRL Transparency Rules and Requirements

We would like your views on this consultation which puts forward proposed changes to:

  • Transparency Rules (which apply to CILEX Authorised Entities) and
  • Transparency Requirements at section 16 of the CILEx Regulation-ACCA Handbook 2021 (which apply to CILEX-ACCA Probate Entities)

Includes proposed extension of Transparency Rules to all legal services provided to consumers and changes to the requirements for firms that do not have a website.

These changes are required to meet the Legal Services Board’s expectations in its Statement of policy on empowering consumers and improve ease and accessibility of information for consumers.

Full details can be found in the consultation document below –

Consultation document (with consultation questions)
Annexe 1 (Rules with proposed amendments)
Annexe 2 (Regulations with proposed amendments)

How to respond

Please complete the online response form.

Alternatively, you can send your response to CILEx Regulation by email to consultations@cilexregulation.org.uk. Please mark it for the attention of Sue Chandler.

Submission deadline

This consultation is open for six weeks and will close at 5pm on Monday 1 July 2024.

Consultation explainer video