05 July 2018

Ms Ahmed faced the charge of failing to:

(a) maintain high standards of professional and personal conduct and further not engage in any conduct that could undermine or affect adversely the confidence and trust placed in you and your profession by your client, your employer, professional colleagues, the public and others; and
(b) be honest in all your dealings and all financial matters, further not intentionally mislead anyone you deal with and to not hold yourself out as having a qualification or professional status that you do not possess.

Contrary to: Principle 2, outcome 2.2 and Principle 3 outcomes 3.1, 3.2 and 3.5 respectively of the CILEx Code of Conduct 2015.
The particulars to this charge were:

On 27 February 2018, the Bar Tribunals and Adjudication Service Disciplinary Tribunal, disbarred Anisah Ahmed having proved six charges of professional misconduct against her in breach of Core Duty 3 of the Bar Standards Board Handbook (1st Edition) and paragraph 301 (a) (i) and 901.

The charges were found proved.

Sanction – Indefinite exclusion
The Disciplinary Tribunal ordered immediate indefinite exclusion from membership of CILEx.